{9} Recently Closed Tickets (50 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Milestone Type
#233 Trac spam documentation trunk defect
#221 WymEditor strips out YouTube embed/object tags...patch included. documentation trunk 0.5 defect
#200 New line doesn't always work in Safari editor trunk 1.0 defect
#188 Line break problem in Safari editor trunk 1.0 defect
#216 Konqueror support editor trunk enhancement
#144 A hint to use WYMeditor with application/xhtml+xml editor trunk 1.0 enhancement
#203 IE: Page jumps to top when Container (H1, H2, ...) is clicked ui trunk 1.0 defect
#208 examples do not work locally with FF3: provide test + visible warning. documentation trunk 1.0 defect
#182 Safari 4: Dialogues does not submit properly editor trunk 1.0 defect
#207 Uneven deletion of SPAN tags with inline styles editor trunk 1.0 defect
#17 Anchor relationship editor trunk 1.0 enhancement
#183 unwrap() functions removes too much tags editor trunk 0.5 defect
#199 table issue editor trunk 0.5 enhancement
#189 Editor saves a single <br /> tag when completely empty editor trunk 0.5 defect
#131 Paste from Word inserts too many blank lines editor trunk 0.5 enhancement
#196 Error in Internet Explorer 8 when using multiple css selectors in editor styles editor trunk 0.5 defect
#82 base url for the editor area content editor trunk 0.5 enhancement
#180 Pressing enter from a non-paragraph container doesn't give feedback of a new container being created editor trunk defect
#201 WYMeditor and Firefox 3.6 - Missing cursor editor trunk 0.5 defect
#126 Buttons do not work on Firefox 3 /w Silver skin skin trunk 0.5 defect
#190 Elements containing only zeroes gets stripped out editor trunk 0.5 defect
#99 table attribute cellspacing being stripped out editor trunk 0.5 defect
#98 iframe flickers and jumps in IE6 when instance created inside a table editor 0.5 defect
#109 Could WYMeditor operate without requiring edits to other form elements? editor trunk 0.5 enhancement
#137 [Feature request] Add support for the <del> tag editor trunk 0.5 enhancement
#20 Link Edit broken in Firefox ( editor trunk 0.5 defect
#184 customize. only self-defined css classes editor trunk 0.5 defect
#187 Changes to links are not always submitted editor trunk 0.5 defect
#192 No removing of breaks from inline HTML Elements editor trunk 0.5 defect
#83 [PATCH] Wymeditor with thickbox editor trunk enhancement
#172 When inserting an image, let the user to upload a file instead of specifying an URL editor trunk enhancement
#195 New Welsh Translation for 0.5 editor trunk 0.5 enhancement
#191 WymClassMozilla...getTagForStyle may be returning wrong super tag editor 0.5 defect
#198 Xhtml parser strips ordered list attributes (type, start, compact) editor trunk 0.5 enhancement
#197 typo in jquery.wymeditor.js 5.0rc1, trunk editor trunk 0.5 defect
#121 Classes won't apply to images in certain situations editor trunk 0.5 defect
#93 Reformat source code, add line breaks and indentation. editor trunk 0.5 enhancement
#179 Can't click into iframe - IE8 editor trunk 0.5 defect
#156 FF: Can't indent a list with one element editor trunk 0.5 defect
#119 IE7 floated container editor trunk 0.5 defect
#81 BR inserted in PRE editor trunk 0.5 defect
#177 Update selectors to work fine in jQuery 1.3.2 editor trunk 0.5 defect
#149 update() is not consistently called when a form is submitted. editor trunk 0.5 defect
#150 Multiple WYMeditor instances not properly calling update() editor trunk 0.5 defect
#154 Editing focus shouldn't be lost when clicking formatting buttons editor trunk 0.5 enhancement
#147 Problems when executing wym.update() while the html view is used editor trunk 0.5 defect
#142 Clicking buttons loses focus in IE6 editor trunk 0.5 defect
#157 replaceNamedEntities should do a global replace editor trunk defect
#174 WYMEditor default template contains &nbsp; in application/xhtml+xml editor trunk 0.5 defect
#160 Empty table header <th> elements are removed editor trunk defect
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