Ticket #233 (closed defect: fixed)

Opened 16 months ago

Last modified 16 months ago

Trac spam

Reported by: stiell Owned by: mr_lundis
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: documentation Version: trunk
Keywords: Cc:


(I am reporting this issue here since I could not find any contact info)

Looking at the ticket reports on this site, I see some spam (specifically, tickets 226 through 232). These contain links to spam sites, meaning that the spam sites steal PageRank and similar from this site. Please fight this! (Closing the spam tickets is not enough – the spam links should be removed completely.)

It should be possible to remove the offending tickets using TracAdmin. Maybe you should implement some spam filtering as well:  http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/SpamFilter

Change History

comment:1 Changed 16 months ago by mr_lundis

  • Owner set to jf.hovinne

I'm not that heartbroken over the page rank stuff – it's a bigger problem that the trac site gets polluted with tons of spam for our users.

Unfortunately I can't do much about the spam as jfh is the only one with full access to the trac admin site. Ideally I'd like to close this whole site and move everything to github (the source is already there), although jfh is again the only one who's able to do that, and he's kind of hard to get in touch with...

At least most of the spammers has the decency to close their own tickets. :S

@Jean: I'm reassigning this ticket to you, hoping you'll read this and maybe do something about it.

comment:2 Changed 16 months ago by jf.hovinne

  • Owner changed from jf.hovinne to mr_lundis

I've activated the ticket deletion option, and deleted the spam. Contribs should now see the 'Delete' button while logged in and browsing tickets.

Spam is also a big issue on the forum; it makes me lose much time and pull my hair out.

Thus I totally agree we should close these 2 websites and move to GH.

@Jonatan (mr_lundis): I thought you were working on the migration process; please tell me what you need me to do in order to finalize it.

comment:3 Changed 16 months ago by mr_lundis

@Jean: Well, all the code is already up there (on GH,) and I have that ticket import script laying around somewhere. I could use some access to do custom queries against the trac db – at the moment the script does not import comments as they're not available in the ticket list and I didn't want to scrape them of site.

I think the main question is what are we supposed to do with the forum? I've looked a little at Zoho Discussions (the forum/mailing list engine the jQuery project uses) which supposedly has a good spam filter and moderating options...


This site (trac) could be closed down like now (at least for new tickets.) Maybe we could add a link in the heder and on the wiki start page to the GH project.

comment:4 Changed 16 months ago by jf.hovinne

  • Status changed from new to closed
  • Resolution set to fixed

Tickets migrated to GH -  https://github.com/wymeditor/wymeditor/issues so closing. We should discuss about the forum on GH as well.

Note: See TracTickets for help on using tickets.