{1} Active Tickets (43 matches)

  • List all active tickets by priority.
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Ticket Summary Component Version Milestone Type Owner Status Created
#213 Whitespace within HTML breaks list cleanup editor trunk defect new 06/15/10
#214 Span and inline elements documentation trunk enhancement new 06/16/10
#220 When editing a table, the tab key should tab to the next cell editor trunk enhancement new 10/25/10
#222 Wrong/incomplete italian translation editor trunk enhancement mr_lundis new 11/14/10
#185 jQuery.wymeditor.js : line 1557 - Incompatibility with jQuery 1.3.x editor trunk 0.5 defect jf.hovinne reopened 07/09/09
#210 Unable to insert content in new tables in FF > 3.5 editor trunk 1.x defect new 06/10/10
#212 Can't add content between two consecutive tables editor trunk 1.x defect new 06/15/10
#215 Improve "Paste from Word" editor trunk 1.x defect new 06/19/10
#63 BlockUI instead of popup windows. ui trunk 1.x enhancement mr_lundis assigned 07/15/07
#202 Improve direct pasting rich text (from Word) editor trunk 1.x enhancement jf.hovinne new 03/03/10
#211 New wiki / bugtrackin system? documentation trunk 1.x enhancement new 06/13/10
#96 Support for definition list editor trunk 2.0 enhancement mr_lundis assigned 02/14/08
#138 onchange or isdirty functionality editor trunk 2.0 enhancement mr_lundis assigned 10/30/08
#178 <div> as a container type editor trunk 2.0 enhancement mr_lundis assigned 06/14/09
#193 Better table editing UI ui trunk 2.0 enhancement mr_lundis assigned 12/18/09
#194 Eliminate dialogs ui trunk 2.0 enhancement jf.hovinne new 12/22/09
#161 Toolbar disappear in MSIE when using plugin resizable plugin trunk defect jf.hovinne new 03/10/09
#166 Resizable Plugin Broken in JQuery UI 1.7.1 plugin trunk defect jf.hovinne new 03/27/09
#168 resize plugin breaks layout in IE 7 plugin trunk defect jf.hovinne new 03/28/09
#186 SAFARI 4 : HTML window display not properly skin trunk defect jf.hovinne new 07/13/09
#217 Changing stylesheets from postInit-callback on multiple instances in (at least) Chrome and Safari editor defect new 09/08/10
#223 Attribute names should be lower-case editor trunk defect new 11/20/10
#12 Request for Special Characters feature plugin trunk enhancement new 03/18/07
#130 Automatically Resizeable iFrame (emulate inline editing) plugin trunk enhancement new 10/06/08
#171 dimensions for image dialogue editor trunk enhancement jf.hovinne new 04/11/09
#204 Preserve/insert whitespace in output HTML plugin trunk enhancement new 03/15/10
#218 Line feeds at certain closing tags? editor trunk enhancement new 10/16/10
#79 line breaks don't work properly editor trunk 1.x defect mr_lundis assigned 09/30/07
#152 Inserting new content after tables don't work editor trunk 1.x defect jf.hovinne new 02/06/09
#175 IE: Not keeping aspctratio when resizing images editor trunk 1.x defect jf.hovinne new 04/24/09
#181 Error in XHTML Parsing of Nested Tables editor trunk 1.x defect jf.hovinne new 06/26/09
#205 IE: Paste not inserted where expected editor trunk 1.x defect jf.hovinne new 03/31/10
#206 Issuses with paste from Notepad editor trunk 1.x defect jf.hovinne new 03/31/10
#136 Use a custom alias for jQuery editor trunk 1.x enhancement mr_lundis assigned 10/17/08
#209 Better documentation of demos/examples documentation trunk 1.x enhancement new 06/09/10
#69 Firefox: links issues editor trunk 2.0 defect mr_lundis new 07/22/07
#92 wymeditor fails when javascript is served from a different domain editor trunk 2.0 defect mr_lundis new 02/08/08
#134 removeEmptyTags - removes content editor trunk 2.0 defect jf.hovinne assigned 10/15/08
#59 Make Indent/Outdent buttons gray out when not applicable ui trunk 2.0 enhancement mr_lundis assigned 06/30/07
#97 One WYMeditor Toolbar for several <textarea> ui 2.0 enhancement mr_lundis assigned 02/20/08
#135 Unable to add containers to list items editor trunk 2.0 enhancement mr_lundis assigned 10/16/08
#141 Better visual feedback ui trunk 2.0 enhancement mr_lundis assigned 12/02/08
#159 Default 'type' for ajax set to 'GET' editor trunk 1.x enhancement jf.hovinne new 03/03/09
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