Ticket #217 (new defect)

Opened 21 months ago

Changing stylesheets from postInit-callback on multiple instances in (at least) Chrome and Safari

Reported by: jvdp Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: editor Version:
Keywords: postinit multiple chrome Cc:


When I add 2 instances of wymeditor to a page, both with a postInit-callback that changes css, the second one is unable to apply the css change. In Chrome and Safari, the callback of the 2nd instance seems to be unable to access wym._doc.styleSheets[0] (which is returned as undefined.) Version used is 0.5rc2

I will attach a modified version "07-custom-button.html" from the examples from the 0.5rc2 distribution that will reproduce the bug.


07-custom-button.html Download (1.8 KB) - added by jvdp 21 months ago.
Modified version of 'examples/07-custom-button.html'

Change History

Changed 21 months ago by jvdp

Modified version of 'examples/07-custom-button.html'

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