
IRC 2007/03/14

16:12 < vmx> can we start the meeting or is anyone missing?
16:12 < jfhv> I think we can start it
16:12 < jfhv> so as a reminder:
16:12 < jfhv> 1) Development progress
16:12 < jfhv> 2) Selection API
16:12 < jfhv> 3) Safari implementation
16:12 < jfhv> 4) Development process
16:13 < jfhv> 5) ???
16:13 < jfhv> OK?
16:13 < dreszka> ok :)
16:13 < jfhv> So, about 1)
16:13 < vmx> 5) coding style again
16:13 < jfhv> ok
16:13 < jfhv> anything else for 5) ?
16:14 < jfhv> ok
16:14 < jfhv> 1) dev progress
16:14 < jfhv> I think it would be interesting to use Firebug & Firebug Lite
16:15 < jfhv> I added it in my branch
16:15 < vmx> it looked nice. i use firebug all the time, it makes development so much easier
16:16 < jfhv> Yes. We can e.g. use Console
16:16 < jfhv> instead of alert()
16:16 < lewiscot> I will add it to my branch as well.
16:16 < jfhv> With Firebug Lite, it works in the other browsers
16:16 < jfhv> I think we can add it in the trunk
16:17 < vmx> the only problem is, that we might need something like a build system for a release
16:17 < vmx> it is interesting for development, but not for the users
16:17 < jfhv> Yes. jQuery uses make or ant
16:18 < vmx> ok. but this is a problem we don't need to solve now
16:18 < jfhv> ok, sure
16:18 < jfhv> but we can already use Firebug
16:18 < jfhv> ok?
16:19 < vmx> yes it should go into the trunk
16:19 < jfhv> ok
16:20 < jfhv> Daniel ha improved the skin system
16:20 < jfhv> has
16:20 < jfhv> you can see an example of init in advanced.html
16:20 < jfhv> $j("div.wym_classes").append('<ul>' ....
16:22 < dreszka> the skin system is rather simple to grasp, I tried to make it the most simple and most modular possible
16:22 < vmx> daniel: can you also hide buttons easily?
16:23 < dreszka> yes
16:23 < vmx> not only buttons but also containers?
16:23 < vmx> if you e.g. only need 2 types of headlines
16:25 < dreszka> yes, the content of the panels can be passed as a parameter to the WYMeditor plugin instance. So currently it's not part of the skin systems, it rather occurs earlier, as you apply the plugin, you can pass a lot of parameters to suit it to your taste
16:25 < vmx> ic, nice
16:25 < vmx> was that all to 1)?
16:25 < dreszka> it is debatable as it should be defined in the skin or not
16:25 < dreszka> but i think no
16:26 < dreszka> because the skin should define the "aesthetic aspect of things", not functionnalities
16:26 < vmx> wouldn't then the name "theme" be better than skin?
16:26 < lewiscot> I agree with Daniel. The developer should be able to pass params that control the skin so modifications only need to happen in one place.
16:27 < dreszka> so, the skin system allows you to have total control over the interface layout
16:27 < dreszka> the typical case will be to use the default skin as it is very modular
16:28 < vmx> so a skin is more than just the look of the buttons?
16:28 < dreszka> but one can redefine the whole XHTML markup which takes place inside the wym_box if needed
16:28 < dreszka> yes
16:28 < dreszka> it defines also the layout of the interface
16:28 < vmx> ok, now i've understood :)
16:28 < dreszka> it is a combination of 1 or more CSS + 0 or more JS
16:29 < lewiscot> Daniel, is the code that handles the IE table controls in the skin itself?
16:29 < vmx> would it make sense to split it into layout and theme?
16:32 < dreszk1> well, what appears in the interface is defined using parameters passed to the plugin instance
16:33 < dreszk1> the skin will allow you to control how things are disposed on the screen, how buttons react, and color themes, ...
16:33 < dreszk1> but you couls also use the skin system to hide things for specific browsers, if you want to
16:33 < dreszk1> several approaches are possible
16:33 < lewiscot> Would it be possible to place the HTML for the editor in a separate HTML file and retrieve it via Ajax?
16:33 < vmx> will the theme be independent of the skin?
16:34 < dreszk1> vmx: it could so if you want to :)
16:34 < jfhv_> scott: I did some tests using that technique, but there was problems with the iframe/designMode
16:34 < lewiscot> Ah. Ok.
16:35 < vmx> yes i think it would be nice. i think about a communtiy which creates new button styles e.g.
16:36 < dreszk1> vmx: as it you can pass you own xhtml markup to the wymeditor instance + you can call your own set of css and js files, you can do almost anything you want. For example, a good idea would be to keep layout styles and decorative (color,fonts,..) styles in separate files so it can be mixed in various ways
16:36 < dreszk1> yes, that would be nice :)
16:37 < vmx> that sounds nice
16:37 < dreszk1> so, that's why the default skin I build is so "simple" looking
16:37 < dreszk1> as fancy colors and effects can be added as independent layers, using separate CSS files
16:38 < dreszk1> the default skin itself is not finished
16:38 < dreszk1> ut you will see that more of the code is in fact classes that can be applied to different parts of the interface
16:39 < vmx> can we switch over to 2)?
16:39 < dreszk1> it is not written directly in the default XHTML markup of the plugin instance
16:40 < dreszk1> it is applyed by the JS code of the skin afterwards, so you can play with it and adapt the layout in a very fast way
16:40 < jfhv_> OK. Anything else about the skin/theme system?
16:40 < dreszk1> ok let's switch to the next point
16:41 < jfhv_> OK. The callback works now.
16:41 < jfhv_> Did you see it?
16:41 < dreszk1> I should only say that I have to work a little more on the default skin to finish it
16:42 < jfhv_> It has to be called in WymClassXXX.prototype.initIframe, not before
16:42 < jfhv_> (the designMode must be ready)
16:42 < jfhv_> there's a weird behaviour in MSIE
16:43 < jfhv_> which seems to execute initFrame twice
16:43 < jfhv_> I don't know why
16:43 < lewiscot> what? Weird behavior in MSIE? Surely you're kidding.
16:43 < jfhv_> Sure :)
16:43 < jfhv_> Anyway, I got it running, in the 3 browsers
16:44 < jfhv_> I don't know for Safari
16:44 < lewiscot> I'll test in Safari this weekend.
16:44 < jfhv_> ok
16:44 < jfhv_> We'll hav to think about when it's called
16:44 < lewiscot> When one of us adds a new feature/routine, should we have a special page on the Wiki so everyone can test it on their respective browser and post the results?
16:45 < jfhv_> Perhaps we can use the Trac instead
16:45 < jfhv_> using tickets
16:45 < lewiscot> Ok. This way, we have documentation that it has been tested at least for alpha.
16:46 < lewiscot> When one of us needs something tested, we should perhaps send an email to the others to ask them to test something for us.
16:46 < jfhv_> You can register on the Trac now, BTW.
16:46 < lewiscot> Ok. I'll do that Saturday (my Wymeditor day).
16:46 < jfhv_> (I forgot you're already registered :)
16:46 < dreszk1> good idea :)
16:46 < dreszk1> I'm not very useful when it comes to JS coding, so if I can help by providing some testing ...
16:46 < lewiscot> Oh, ok.
16:47 < lewiscot> Volker, what is the latest news on the Selection API?
16:47 < jfhv_> OK. So I said we'll have to decide when the callback is called.
16:47 < jfhv_> But that can wait.
16:48 < jfhv_> OK, we can switch to 2)
16:48 < vmx> i've implemented the selection api in ff and opera
16:48 < vmx> so if you want to implement it in another browser just take a look at the code. the wiki page about it is already a bit outdated
16:49 < vmx> but not that much
16:49 < jfhv_> explain?
16:49 < vmx> i've addded 2 new attributes
16:49 < vmx> attributes=properties
16:50 < vmx> startOffset and endOffset
16:50 < vmx> these are needed within the api
16:50 < vmx> the offset is the current cursor position relative to the parent node
16:51 < lewiscot> startOffset = start of selection range?
16:51 < vmx> yes
16:51 < lewiscot> ok
16:51 < vmx> another thing is the "original" property
16:51 < vmx> it's a bit strange but needed. it stores the original selection
16:52 < lewiscot> I think that's a good idea
16:52 < vmx> now to the strange part. it will be a dom selection object in ff and opera, in msie the object msie uses
16:52 < vmx> so don't rely on it as "dom selection object" in the generic browser file
16:52 < vmx> it should only be used in the browser specific files
16:53 < jfhv_> "the object msie uses" ?
16:54 < vmx> msie doesn't use the standard dom selection object
16:54 < vmx> i haven't read about it, but it's something different
16:54 < vmx> so you won't have the standard properties
16:55 < jfhv_> ok. I've looked at
16:55 < jfhv_> it seems to be a good solution :)
16:56 < jfhv_> (added in
16:56 < lewiscot> I have a question
16:56 < lewiscot> What is the isCollapsed property?
16:56 < LLLshaggyLLL> Whoop sorry i am late ;- (
16:57 < jfhv_> Hi shaggy!
16:57 < dreszk1> Hi ... sorry but who are you ?
16:57 < vmx> isCollapsed is a boolean to dettermine if the selection is the cursor only or if there was sometihng selected
16:58 < vmx> if there isn't selected it is collapsed, else it is extended
16:58 < lewiscot> So simple. Thanks.
16:59 < LLLshaggyLLL> Let me introduce me to you. My name is Erik Seifert from Germany Berlin
16:59 < dreszk1> ah ok :) welcome Eric
16:59 < jfhv_> Welcome Erik!
16:59 < vmx> hi erik
16:59 < LLLshaggyLLL> thanx ;- )
16:59 < dreszk1> sorry... Erik with a "k"
16:59 < LLLshaggyLLL> The same Mistake like everyone ;- )
17:00 < vmx> any further questions about the selection api?
17:00 < jfhv_> Scott, Volker: Erik has contacted me some weeks ago to contribute to WYMeditor
17:01 < lewiscot> Great.
17:01 < lewiscot> We met earlier today but Hi Erik.
17:01 < jfhv_> I think you're a web developer, Erik?
17:02 < LLLshaggyLLL> I would say a developer ;- ) . but we have a providing company and so the most things i devlop for web
17:03 < jfhv_> OK, I see :)
17:03 < jfhv_> So. We were discussing about the Selection API.
17:03 < vmx> back to the selection api
17:04 < vmx> jfhv: it's ok for me to use a seperate object for the selection api
17:04 < jfhv_> Thus, WymSelection ?
17:04 < vmx> yes
17:04 < jfhv_> ok
17:04 < LLLshaggyLLL> alrigt
17:04 < vmx> i even had it that way, but then merged it into WymEditor
17:05 < jfhv_> in your test/002 ?
17:05 < vmx> in test/002 it is done with WymSelection
17:06 < vmx> may we talk about event handling as it is tightly connected to the selection api?
17:06 < jfhv_> hmm, I think it should be interesting to speak about Safari/MSIE Selection API implementation before
17:07 < vmx> ok
17:07 < jfhv_> So I've added links to W3C Range in MSIE
17:07 < jfhv_> in
17:08 < jfhv_> There's a link to an example
17:08 < jfhv_>
17:08 < jfhv_> You can see that it works in FF, too
17:09 < vmx> yes, but we don't need the whole dom selection api, just part of it
17:09 < vmx> so it'll be easier to implement it youself
17:09 < jfhv_> Not sure about MSIE
17:10 < vmx> you only need to set the properties
17:10 < vmx> setting 6 properties should be that hard (and 1 method)
17:10 < jfhv_> MSIE doesn't implement startContainer, startOffset, and so on
17:11 < vmx> yes, but range objects
17:12 < jfhv_> right, but I guess I'll win some time if I use this library, don't you agree?
17:13 < vmx> you can try it, but i think the time you'll win is minimal
17:14 < jfhv_> OK, I'll see...
17:15 < jfhv_> Scott: About Safari ?
17:15 < vmx> but as i haven't look closely at the problem, i leave the decission to you
17:16 < jfhv_> OK. Scott: still there?
17:17 < jfhv_> Hmm. I guess he's away.
17:17 < jfhv_> Anything else about 2) ?
17:18 < vmx> no, just about event handling, but that can also be 6)
17:18 < lewiscot> Oh. Sorry.
17:18 < jfhv_> Ahhh!
17:18 < lewiscot> Is it Safari time?
17:18 < jfhv_> for the Selection API
17:19 < lewiscot> I'm going to try to add Volker's code to my work this weekend since I can't move forward without the Selection API.
17:19 < jfhv_> OK.
17:19 < lewiscot> I'll let you guys know how it goes.
17:20 < jfhv_> OK. So we switch to event handling.
17:20 < vmx> jfhv: about msie and selection
17:20 < vmx> ok
17:20 < vmx> event handling is a big problem
17:21 < vmx> i'm not sure if anyone of you has tried to add e.g. an mousedown event to the editor
17:21 < vmx> it isn't possible with jquery atm
17:22 < lewiscot> To what element are you adding the mousedown event?
17:22 < vmx> so it needs to be fixed. i created a jquery-fixes.js which fixes the problem (at least for ff, but i think not for ie)
17:22 < vmx> to _doc (it's e.g. iframe.contentDocument)
17:23 < lewiscot> I see.
17:23 < vmx> perhaps we need to add "attachEvent" to support ie (it it doesn't work atm)
17:23 < jfhv_> perhaps that's why I had to use doc.onclick() and so on in initFrame?
17:24 < vmx> jfhv: have you tested my 002 with msie?
17:24 < jfhv_> no
17:24 < jfhv_> (I do it)
17:24 < vmx> :)
17:24 < vmx> what should we do with jquery bugs?
17:25 < jfhv_> (I get errors)
17:25 < vmx> i think my solution is the way to go. write a file that overwrites the buggy things, send a bug report to jquery and hope that it will be fixed
17:25 < lewiscot> I like your plan Volker.
17:25 < vmx> then my fixes aren't that good ;)
17:26 < jfhv_> I don't see any other solution
17:27 < jfhv_> But I'll have other problems in MSIE
17:27 < vmx> i fixed .extend() to work recursively which was needed for the selection api when i used my way, but it shouldn' harm
17:27 < jfhv_> because of bugs in 1.1.x
17:27 < vmx> are there many bugs?
17:27 < jfhv_> 1 or 2, IIRC
17:28 < jfhv_> settinh html in the iframe doesn't work
17:28 < vmx> strike! it seems the jquery devs like my fixes! :)
17:28 < jfhv_> so I had to switch back to 1.0.3
17:29 < vmx> perhaps code from 1.0.3 could be used to fix it
17:29 < jfhv_> well, perhaps :)
17:30 < vmx> that's another todo for you :)
17:30 < jfhv_> what's your ticket number?
17:30 < vmx> i've send to to the mailing list
17:30 < jfhv_> (in the Trac)
17:31 < vmx> although there's a ticket, but i think they didn't respond, so i wrote a mail
17:32 < vmx>
17:32 < vmx> oh no, i had a typo "extrend" ;)
17:33 < vmx> ok that's all about eventhandling
17:33 < vmx> it's also implemented in 002 (just the mothods no fucntionality yet)
17:34 < vmx> ok, what's next?
17:34 < jfhv_> OK. We can switch to 3) Safari implementation ?
17:35 < lewiscot> Give me 10 seconds. Brb.
17:35 < jfhv_> OK. As a reminder:
17:36 < lewiscot> I'm back
17:36 < lewiscot> There are too many problems with Safari to list them all here. I've outlined everything on the wiki
17:37 < lewiscot> The biggest thing is that I cannot move forward until the Selection API is completed
17:37 < lewiscot> Plainly put, Safari is going to be a bitch.
17:40 < jfhv_> OK. Scott: I don't understand why you say "For the time being, I recommend going with the standards compliant contentEditable..."
17:40 < jfhv_> Could you explain?
17:40 < lewiscot2> I read up on it and that seems to be the recommended method. I can't remember the exact explanation at the moment though.
17:41 < lewiscot2> Safari supports both the designMode attribute and contentEditable (based on what I read).
17:41 < lewiscot2> But there seems to be problems with designMode.
17:42 < jfhv_> Well, I'm not sure contentEditable is more standards compliant than designMode... Maybe I'm wrong.
17:42 < lewiscot2> Supposedly, contentEditable is the correct attribute but Mozilla decided to go a different route. I could be mistaken but I believe that is what I read.
17:42 < jfhv_> I don't know. I've checked in the DTD's and didn't find both.
17:42 < lewiscot2> I think I recall reading something about contentEditable being the attribute the w3c is leaning towards. Maybe I should read up on it some more.
17:43 < lewiscot2> I could be wrong. I read a lot of stuff and perhaps I got it wrong.
17:43 < jfhv_> OK :)
17:43 < lewiscot2> I am wrong from time-to-time :-)
17:44 < jfhv_> OK :)
17:44 < lewiscot2> One thing that will have to happen in the generic WymClass is that the event that triggers the buttons will need to be changed to 'mousedown' rather than 'click'.
17:45 < jfhv_> Yes. About that specific problem, Volker has added this.handleEvents(); in mozilla.js
17:45 < lewiscot2> Ok. I'll look at that.
17:46 < lewiscot2> Another big issue with Safari is that when the code calls execComand('Bold'), the correct result should be <strong>selected text</strong>
17:46 < lewiscot2> However, Safari does this:
17:46 < lewiscot2> <span class="Apple-Style-Class" style="font-weight: bold">selected text</span>
17:46 < jfhv_> I see. Almost the same in FF, if you don't call: this._doc.execCommand("styleWithCSS",'',false);
17:47 < jfhv_> (FF uses <b>, BTW)
17:47 < lewiscot2> Ah ... that helps. I'll try that in Safari.
17:47 < lewiscot2> that will save a lot of work.
17:47 < lewiscot2> changing <b> to <strong> is much easier than dealing with all those spans.
17:48 < lewiscot2> Ok, so the only custom functions will need to be for:
17:48 < lewiscot2> * CreateLink
17:48 < lewiscot2> * InsertImage
17:48 < lewiscot2> * InsertOrderedList
17:48 < lewiscot2> * InsertUnorderedList
17:48 < lewiscot2> * Unlink
17:50 < lewiscot2> I think the safari code will need to do a version check so when future versions of Safari more fully implement execCommand, it will degrade cleanly.
17:50 < dreszk1> jf will be back in 2 min
17:50 < lewiscot2> I found a plugin for jQuery that extends the jQuery.browser functionality. I will add a link to the wiki resources this weekend.
17:52 < vmx> can we switch over to 4)?
17:53 < lewiscot2> Sorry, I need a little more time on 3).
17:53 < dreszk1> jf still "interrupted"
17:54 < lewiscot2> I just tested the 'styleWithCss', false and it works as it should.
17:54 < lewiscot2> I also tested designMode and contentEditable and Safari *does* support both.
17:54 < lewiscot2> However, in designMode, styleWithCss, false does not work properly.
17:55 < lewiscot2> That explains what I read about contentEditable being the better choice.
17:55 < lewiscot2> Ok, this is the last thing on Safari:
17:56 < lewiscot2> In the function that updates the HTML in the textarea, the update does not work unless the code calls textarea.focus() after updating the HTML.
17:56 < dreszk1> I don't know if it can be interesting, but i foud some guys developped a contentEditable for Mozilla as an XBL
17:56 < dreszk1> Can't find the official page of this project thought. I'll let jf see if it is interesting.
17:56 < lewiscot2> It makes no sense but that is the only thing I could find that worked.
17:57 < lewiscot2> I made a mistake, the textarea.focus() needs to be called in toggleHtml()
17:57 < lewiscot2> Wymeditor.prototype.toggleHtml = function() {
17:57 < lewiscot2> $j(this._box).find(this._options.sHtmlSelector).toggle();
17:57 < lewiscot2> $j(this._box).find(this._options.sHtmlSelector)[0].focus();
17:57 < lewiscot2> };
17:58 < lewiscot2> Ok, I'm done.
17:59 < vmx> i just found out that "cursorToStart()" and "cursorToEnd()" in the selection api is browser specific :-/
18:00 < vmx> jfhv: are you still here?
18:01 < dreszk1> no, but he'll be back in a few moments
18:01 < vmx> ok
18:01 < dreszk1> (we share the same office)
18:01 < lewiscot2> I'm going to need to go soon. I have quite a bit of work to do today.
18:02 < vmx> me too, so let's talk about coding style/way to code
18:02 < dreszk1> me too...
18:02 < lewiscot2> ok
18:02 < vmx> if you take a look at WymSelection
18:02 < dreszk1> ok, i propose you continue without jf
18:02 < vmx>
18:03 < vmx> i've used some kind of literal notation. i think it looks quite easy and it is the same as *.prototype.something
18:04 < vmx> here's a nice tutorial
18:04 < vmx> this way you could also copy functions from one browser implementation to another more easily
18:05 < vmx> another thing is that we should agree on the basic style. things like:
18:05 < vmx> if (bla) {
18:05 < vmx> ...
18:05 < vmx> }
18:05 < vmx> vs.
18:05 < vmx> if (bla)
18:05 < vmx> {
18:05 < vmx> ..
18:05 < vmx> ]
18:05 < vmx> }
18:06 < vmx> and of course, tabs vs. spaces. i propose using 4 spaces
18:07 < dreszk1> I have to go now, I'll read the transcript on the dev wiki
18:07 < dreszk1> bye bye ;)
18:07 < vmx> cu daniel
18:08 < lewiscot2> Volker, I don't think it makes much sense to discuss this without JFHV involved. Do you want to just wait until next week? I basically agree with you on the coding style.
18:08 < dreszk1> he's back, let him only read up everything
18:08 < dreszk1> bye ;)
18:09 < vmx> scott i agree with you
18:09 < jfhv_> sorry guys, I'm back :)
18:10 < jfhv_> OK, so aboout the coding style?
18:10 < vmx> yes
18:10 < jfhv_> I've replaced tabs by spaces
18:10 < vmx> 8 or 4 tabs?
18:10 < jfhv_> 4 spaces seem to be a standard
18:11 < vmx> ok :)
18:11 < jfhv_> 4 spaces = 1 tab
18:11 < vmx> jfhv: have you take a look at my code? the way i wrote it?
18:11 < jfhv_> of course
18:12 < vmx> what do you think?
18:12 < jfhv_> we don't use the same coding style :)
18:12 < vmx> i like it more than all those ""
18:12 < vmx> yes, therefore we should agree on one
18:12 < jfhv_> yes
18:13 < vmx> you said once you like the literal notation, do you still like it?
18:13 < jfhv_> I like using prototype - we can separate methids
18:13 < jfhv_> methids
18:13 < jfhv_> methods :)
18:14 < vmx> you still can
18:14 < vmx>
18:14 < vmx> the paragraph about "Prototyping"
18:15 < vmx> it's the same, just written differently
18:16 < jfhv_> OK, I see. Bu then we mix the 2 notations.
18:16 < jfhv_> " It is important to note that we can only set prototypes on a function one time using this method. After that, you must use the previous method, Object.prototype.method = function(){ ... }."
18:16 < vmx> yes, but why should we use it more than once?
18:17 < vmx> all wymeditor.prototype are in jquery.wymeditor.js
18:17 < vmx> and all wymmozilla.prototype are in jquery.wymeditor,mozilla.js
18:18 < jfhv_> right - I don't know - Scott, your opinion?
18:19 < lewiscot2> I need to think about it. I don't have an opinion one way or the other at the moment.
18:20 < vmx> it also nice for copy&paste :)
18:20 < vmx> does anyone of you have ideas for code that 2 browsers share?
18:20 < vmx> e.g. the selection api is exactly the same for ff and opera
18:20 < vmx> should one inherit the other?
18:21 < lewiscot2> I like the separation of the functions in JF's code. However, if there are technical reasons (like performance) for one method over the other, I think that should be the deciding factor.
18:21 < vmx> i think there are not technical reasons for one or the other, as both are the same, hust different syntax
18:22 < lewiscot2> How easy will it be for third-party developers to extend wymeditor with Volker's method?
18:23 < lewiscot2> For instance, if a thrid-party dev wants to add functionality to the Selection API
18:23 < lewiscot2> ?
18:24 < jfhv_> I think the 2 notations give the same possibilities.
18:24 < vmx> if you wan to add foobar: WymSelection.prototype.foobat = function(){}
18:24 < vmx> it's the same
18:24 < jfhv_> OK. Well, I'll have to go soon. Anything else you wanted to speak about?
18:25 < vmx> i've nothing left
18:25 < lewiscot2> Ok. My only opinion (and not a strong one) is that Volker's code is a little harder to read. I will go with whatever you guys decide one.
18:25 < lewiscot2> decide on.
18:26 < jfhv_> Perhaps that needs further discussion...
18:26 < vmx> i think it's easier to read. but if jf and scott like the other syntax it's ok for me :)
18:26 < lewiscot2> One last question abou it:
18:27 < lewiscot2> Which method requires less code? This could effect performance when the code is compressed. Probably not by much but we want optimum performance.
18:28 < lewiscot2> JF, I think it is your call.
18:29 < vmx> btw: jquery uses the syntax i used
18:29 < jfhv_> When it's compressed? I guess the differences are minor.
18:29 < jfhv_> Well, I need to go now.
18:30 < jfhv_> Scott: could you please subscribe to wymeditor-devel?
18:30 < vmx> ok, cu
18:30 < vmx> i'll leave to, cu
18:30 < jfhv_> bye!
18:30 < lewiscot2> yes. Where do I subscribe.
18:30 < lewiscot2> ?
18:30 < jfhv_>
18:31 < lewiscot2> ok. ciao.
18:31 < jfhv_> Thanks. Bye!