{4} Assigned, Active Tickets by Owner (12 matches)

List assigned tickets, group by ticket owner, sorted by priority.

jf.hovinne (1 match)

Ticket Summary Component Milestone Type Created
#134 removeEmptyTags - removes content editor 2.0 defect 10/15/08

mr_lundis (11 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Milestone Type Created
#63 BlockUI instead of popup windows. ui 1.x enhancement 07/15/07
#96 Support for definition list editor 2.0 enhancement 02/14/08
#138 onchange or isdirty functionality editor 2.0 enhancement 10/30/08
#178 <div> as a container type editor 2.0 enhancement 06/14/09
#193 Better table editing UI ui 2.0 enhancement 12/18/09
#79 line breaks don't work properly editor 1.x defect 09/30/07
#59 Make Indent/Outdent buttons gray out when not applicable ui 2.0 enhancement 06/30/07
#97 One WYMeditor Toolbar for several <textarea> ui 2.0 enhancement 02/20/08
#135 Unable to add containers to list items editor 2.0 enhancement 10/16/08
#136 Use a custom alias for jQuery editor 1.x enhancement 10/17/08
#141 Better visual feedback ui 2.0 enhancement 12/02/08
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